Interested in Undergraduate Research?
Interested in Undergraduate Research?
We're always interested in having talented under-graduates enter the lab to work on the group's projects. If you're interested in getting involved in our Group's research, here's how to go about it:
Interested in Undergraduate Research?
We're always interested in having talented under-graduates enter the lab to work on the group's projects. If you're interested in getting involved in our Group's research, here's how to go about it:
- Contact a Graduate Student or Post-Doc in the research area you're most interested in.
- Provide us with an up-to-date resume and transcript (unofficial is fine)
After joining the group, you will be required to take all requisite safety training before you begin working in the labs and are expected to be involved in:
- Weekly group meetings (Weds. 4pm)
- Monthly lab clean-ups
- Present to the group once per semester or summer on the progress of your work.
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